Leave A Legacy
Step to Tower
-The Grand Traverse Lighthouse will turn 170 years old on September 10, 2022. To celebrate, we are kicking off a new sponsorship program, “Step to the Tower”!
Yes, you can now sponsor a step to the top of the lighthouse tower for a cost of $170 each for 2022. Renewable annually or become a permanent sponsor of that step for a $1,000 one-time donation. Your name will be put on a small plaque next to your step along with a larger plaque with all sponsor names.
On the Museum side there are 14 steps to the 2nd floor, 12 spiral steps and 19 steps from the tower landing into the tower. Also, there are 14 steps available on the volunteer lighthouse keeper side of the house for those who have been volunteer lighthouse keepers the past 18 years. Please indicate which level you would like to have your step. All funds will be used for our 2022 projects. We have exciting things coming! Wouldn’t you love to see your plaque on one of the Lighthouse steps?

Sponsor a Step
Please click below to download the Step to Tower .pdf form. You may print it out, fill the form out, scan it in, and send it to us at info@grandtraverselighthouse.com
You may also mail the form to us at our mailing address:
Grand Traverse Lighthouse
PO Box 43, 15500 N Lighthouse Pt Rd, Northport, MI, 49670
Get Involved
Become a member of the Grand Traverse Lighthouse Museum and receive benefits such as free admission to the museum (for members and their guests), discounts in the Lighthouse Gift & Camp Store, a quarterly newsletter, and more.